COVID-19 Testing
With recent changes, we have been receiving several phone calls asking about testing for COVID-19. If you or your child is experiencing COVID-like symptoms, here is an option to consider.
The State of Indiana has partnered with an outside company to assist in helping you find a place to be tested for COVID-19. We have included the link below for your convenience. If you are over the age of 18, you will select the state of Indiana in the drop down menu, and then you will fill out forms with your information. They will then contact you to let you know where you can go to be tested.
If you wish to register a minor for testing, you will need to call 888-634-1116.
Click here to register individuals over the age of 18 for testing.
List of Testing Sites in Indiana
Please note this is for actual testing of the virus. This is not for testing of antibodies.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at 317-582-7257 or 317-582-7360.