The COVID-19 vaccine is here, but my child is afraid of needles! What do I do?
The COVID-19 vaccine is here, but my child is afraid of needles! What do I do?
Written by: Hillary Blake, PsyD HSPP, Child and Adolescent Psychologist
November 9, 2021
Children (and adults) often don’t like getting poked with a needle because it hurts. This leads many children to become afraid of needles. Luckily, there are several techniques that can be utilized to reduce your child’s anxiety, reduce pain, and make your vaccine appointment successful.
- Preparing Your Child for the Appointment:
- Children should never be surprised by a vaccine. Parents should tell their child 1-2 days before the appointment that they will be getting a vaccine. If you have a highly anxious child, it may be best to wait until the day of the appointment. Parents shouldn’t tell a child too soon in advance otherwise, he/she will be worrying about it all week. Surprising the child with a vaccine leads to distrust of medical professionals and parents.
- Be honest that the vaccine will hurt a little bit (describe it as being like a pinch); do not tell the child that it won’t hurt.
- Have an open conversation with your child regarding fears and understanding of the procedure. If parents are aware of the child’s anxiety it is easier to address the child’s concerns.
- Let your child know the benefits of the vaccine in a developmentally appropriate manner. Try to make the vaccine sound exciting! For example, for a five-year-old explain that the vaccine will give them superpowers to fight off COVID-19 and keep the child healthy.
- Teach the child diaphragmatic breathing to help with anxiety during the appointment. Children should practice this skill prior to the appointment (ideally a week before) when the child is calm, as this skill is harder to execute when a child is anxious. Here is a video on diaphragmatic breathing:
- Strategies for the Appointment:
- If your child tells you that he/she is feeling scared about being poked, validate his/her feelings, remind the child of his/her pain coping skills to reduce pain, and direct the child to use diaphragmatic breathing. “I know needles are scary because they can be painful. Remember, we have techniques to decrease the pain today. Do you want to use your diaphragmatic breathing with me?”
- Carmel Pediatric nurses do an excellent job of telling your child what they are going to do before they touch a child (e.g., “I’m going to clean your arm”). If you get a vaccine at another site, request that the nurse tell your child what he/she is going to do before touching the child.
- Be near your child to offer physical support. Younger children can sit on the parent’s lap, while older children can sit next to the parent.
- Parents can offer a reward for getting the vaccine. It is important that the child is aware of the reward prior to the appointment and the child is told what behavior he/she needs to exhibit to earn the reward. For example, “First you receive the vaccine, then you can have a piece of candy.” The child should be reminded of the reward and the behavioral expectations when he/she arrives at the vaccine site. The child should be given the reward and verbal praise (“You did such a good job using your coping skills and being brave”) immediately after the vaccine is given.
- Pain Coping Skills:
- Distraction should be used immediately upon arriving at the vaccine site as it decreases pain signal in the brain. Parents can talk to their child about his/her favorite topic, play music/sing songs, or play games (e.g., “I spy”) during the appointment.
- Parents can rub the child’s arm above the injection site to decrease pain signals to the brain.
- Upon entering the exam room, parents should have the child immediately start using diaphragmatic breathing.